Vol. 39 (2020)

Published: 07-12-2020

The latest issue of Studia Linguistica (XXXIX/2020) contains ten peer-reviewed scholarly articles on a variety of topics related to linguistic research in the broadest sense. The authors of the published texts are researchers from various academic centres in Poland (Wrocław, Łódź, Gliwice, Gdańsk, Sosnowiec) and abroad (Berlin, Mannheim, Cambridge). The individual articles in this issue are devoted, among other things, to topics in the areas of phonology, semantics, lexis and lexicography, and pragmalinguistics. Others present the results of sociolinguistic and glottodidactic research, and yet others deal with text analysis. The languages of publication are English, German and Polish; all articles contain an English summary. The issue closes with an obituary for Professor Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich Engel, who was a long-time member of the Advisory Board of Studia Linguistica.
