
Vol. 155 (2012)

Sen w koncepcji artystycznej utworów Antona Czechowa

Andrzej Ksenicz

Pages: 143 - 153

PDF (Język Polski)


The dream in artistic concept in Anton Chekhov’s works

The author of this article attempts to answer the question of the functional role of dreams in the prose of thewriter of The Steppe. The analysis of asequence of writings allows one to conclude that the oneiric issues play acrucial role in the writer’s works; although dreams, delirium and hallucinations, a part from the story The Black Monk perhaps, are treated by him in accordance with physician practices, which stems from the writer’s professional preparation as well as scientific understanding of this psycho-physical states of man.

Citation rules

Ksenicz, A. (2012). Sen w koncepcji artystycznej utworów Antona Czechowa. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 155, 143–153. Retrieved from