
Tom 155 (2012)

Sen w rosyjskiej literaturze popularnej Ukradziony sen Aleksandry Marininy i Miłość zimniejsza od śmierci Anny Małyszewej

Strony: 297 - 306



Dream in Russian popular literature Alexandra Marinina’s Stolen Dream, Anna Malysheva’s Love Colder than Death

In the present work, the issue of the dream motif existing in contemporary Russian detective novels is being examined. As examples, two radically different, as far as the role of adream is concerned, novels are analyzed. The first one, Stolen Dream by Alexandra Marinina, is totally realistic and the second one Love Colder than Death by Anna Malysheva, is full of mysticism. What is more, the coexistence within one genre of totally different approaches to one and the same motif shows, on the one hand a substantial diversity of detective novels, and on the other hand the unflagging popularity of the dream motif in contemporary Russian literature.

Zasady cytowania

Zywert, A. (2012). Sen w rosyjskiej literaturze popularnej Ukradziony sen Aleksandry Marininy i Miłość zimniejsza od śmierci Anny Małyszewej. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 155, 297–306. Pobrano z