Musical element in poetry of Sophia Parnok. Poem Organ
Sapponic poetry of Sophia Parnok was not recognised by critics and literary scholars, both in pre- and post-revolutionary Russia. That was the poet’s personal drama. However, in recent times, through the work of scholars of literary history of Russia: Sophia Polakova, Diana Burgin and others, the works of the poet regained its rightful place in the history of literature. The desire of Parnok was to find a universal language through which readers could be provided with a wide range of emotional experiences. Such language for the poet became the language of musical references and concepts. Organ is a poem in which the Parnok has entered into the thoughts and associations caused by her communing with music. Sublime organ music in church feast day Mass, sowed the seed of a poetic soul of Parnok, whose crops fed on the later works of the poet.