
Tom 157 (2013)

Idea komunizmu w świetle nieznanych listów Mariana Zdziechowskiego do ukraińskiego metropolity Lwowa Andrzeja Szeptyckiego

Strony: 91 - 105



The idea of Communism in view of unknown letters of Marian Zdziechowski to Ukrainian Metropolitan bishop of Lviv Andrey Sheptytsky

Marian Zdziechowski, a renown Polish critic of the idea of Communism, maintained avast correspondence with many intellectuals of eastern Slavs, these include the Ukrainian Metropolitan — Andrzej Szeptycki. Zdziechowski’s letters, found at the State Historical Archive in Lviv, were written to the Metropolitan between 1933 and 1937. All presented a definitely negative attitude towards Communism and Bolshevism.

Zasady cytowania

Wójtowicz, S. (2013). Idea komunizmu w świetle nieznanych listów Mariana Zdziechowskiego do ukraińskiego metropolity Lwowa Andrzeja Szeptyckiego. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 157, 91–105. Pobrano z