
Tom 159 (2014)

O predykatorach analitycznych w  strukturze argumentu propozycjonalnego (na materiale języka bułgarskiego i  polskiego)

Strony: 207 - 217



On analytical predicators in the structure of apropositional argumenton the basis of Polish and Bulgarian

The paper analyzes the realizations of analytical predicators such as артист съм / być artystą in clause structures allowed by Polish and Bulgarian mental verbs. It outlines the theoretical basis of the analysis conducted on the semantic and formal levels. Similarities and differences between both languages are indicated and the issue of lexicographical practice with respect to the analyzed verbs and clause structures they allow is also raised.

Zasady cytowania

Korytkowska, M. (2015). O predykatorach analitycznych w  strukturze argumentu propozycjonalnego (na materiale języka bułgarskiego i  polskiego). Slavica Wratislaviensia, 159, 207–217. Pobrano z