
Vol. 179 (2024)

Hesitations in a TV talk show

Pages: 79-85

PDF (Čeština)


This article deals with hesitations from a linguistic perspective. First I present the basic definitions and functions of hesitations as found in linguistic studies. My analysis uses a video recording and transcription of the TV talk show Uvolněte se, prosím of 30. 10. 2009. Within this programme of 41 minutes and 9 seconds, 163 hesitations occurred with a total length of 2.21 minutes. The hesitation frequency was around 4 per minute. The following hesitation functions were identified: planning, signalling an unusual word, signalling repair, delimitation (marking of parenthesis), searching for an appropriate word, signalling handover, signalling topic change, awkwardness. I also found one case in which hesitation constituted the only content of the dialog turn.


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Jílková, L. (2024). Hesitations in a TV talk show. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 179, 79–85.