
Vol. 163 (2016)

Doświadczenie starości w prozie autobiograficznej Bory Ćosicia

Pages: 749 - 760

PDF (Język Polski)



The experience of old age in the autobiographical proseof Bora Ćosić

In this article, Ifocused my attention on the vision of aging and attitude towards this phenomenon which are present in Ćosic’s autobiographical prose. Based on texts, which were published after the year 1995, like Novi stanar 1998, Starost u Berlinu 1998, Carinska deklaracija 2000, Put na Aljasku 2006, Consul u Beogradu 2008 and the latest collection of writings entitled Mirni dani u Rovinju 2014, Imade the reconstruction of the writer maturation process to apositive / successfull aging. This one of the most famous post-Yugoslav stateless left Rovinj in 1995, were he moved from Belgrade in 1991, and then moved to Berlin, where he has been living during this time. At the beginning the German capital appears to Cosić as an unfriendly place that enhances the writer’s sense of alienation and old age. The writer defined his origin country as “the southern land”, while Berlin is acity in the north, which has became in his view asynonymous of old age or even death. On the pages of his works the author showed how gradually became familiar with this alien space. He found traces of his past and his former life in Belgrade in the urban space of Berlin. The recovery of memory and recollection open anew phase in the work of Bora Ćosić. Based on his works published after 2000 we could get aapicture of the artist, who seems to be atireless of his long life and has alot of work to do, who publishes new books and who is involved in many artistic events, readings and meetings with readers although he is 80. Ćosić is reconciled with old age and totally agrees with what fate brought to him. The evolution of attitudes towards life and old age are shown in the most complete way by his words that he often repeats: „I was born in Zagreb, I died in Belgrade, I live in Berlin”.

Doživljaj starosti uautobiografskoj prozi Bore Ćosića

U članku sam obratila pažnju na piščev doživljaj starosti. Zahvaljujući analizi autobiograf­skih knjiga, pre svega tekstova koje je autor objavio posle 1995. godine, kao što su: Novi stanar 1998, Starost u Berlinu 1998, Carinska deklaracija 2000, Put na Aljasku 2006, Consul u Beo-gradu 2008 inajnovija zbirka beležaka pod naslovom Mirni dani u Rovinju 2014, trudim se da ukažem Ćosićev put od negativne do pozitivne/uspešne starosti. Taj, jedan od najpoznatijih postju­goslavenskih apatrida, 1995. godine napustio je Rovinj, ukoji se preselio iz Beograda 1991. godine iotišao je uBerlin gde živi do danas. Čitajući tekstove, koje je autor napisao na početku svog bo­ravka unemačkoj prestonici, može se zapaziti da se tamo osećao pre svega kao drugi, kao stranac. Osećaj tuđinstva je izazivao ipojačavao osećaj starosti. Pisac je često ponavljao da je njegova otadžbina ostala na jugu, aon je došao na sever, koji je podrazumevao kao sinonim starosti, čak ismrti. Usvojim tekstovima autor je zabeležio kako je upoznavao grad iotkrivao mnogo kutaka koji su ga podsećali na život uBeogradu. Na berlinskim ulicama iustarim zgradama pronašao je tragove svoje prošlosti. Zahvaljujući tome počeo je da se oseća uBerlinu kao unekoj vlastitoj prostoriji. Stekao je pamćenje ina taj način prekoračio je smrt. Povratak pamćenja, memorije, otvara novu fazu uĆosićevom stvaralaštvu. Uknjigama, koje je autor objavio posle 2000. godine, nalazimo sliku starog čoveka, koji uprkos svojoj starosti nije umoran, mnogo radi iuživa utome, stalno izdaje nove knjige, učestvuje umnogim umetničkim događajima, izlaganjima isastancima. Prihvata svoju starost islaže se sa time što mu je život doneo. Promenu stava prema životu istaro­sti na najbolji način pokazuje rečenica koju Ćosić često ponavlja: „Moja kratka biografija utri reda glasi: rođen sam uZagrebu, umro uBeogradu, živim u Berlinu”.


Citation rules

Ślawska, M. (2017). Doświadczenie starości w prozie autobiograficznej Bory Ćosicia. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 163, 749–760.