
Vol. 163 (2016)

Staruszka w skąpym bikini albo „strach przed Babą Jagą” w utworze Dubravki Ugrešić „Życie jest bajką”

Pages: 795 - 809

PDF (Język Polski)



Old woman in ascant bikini or “fear of Baba Yaga” in Dubravka Ugrešić’s: Life is a fairy tale

The subject of the dissertation is ageing, physical passing and social rejection seen from woman’s perspective. The grotesque-ironic Life is afairy tale by Dubravka Ugrešić, along with the „Baba-Yagism philosophy” and the construction of „Baba-Yagology”, touches the problems related to old age as asocial taboo and double exclusion due to being both awoman and an old person. The work by Ugrešić deals with the phenomenon defined as ageism R. Butler which corresponds to the idea of power M. Foucault, discrimination and stereotypical attitude to the social roles defined accordingly to the biological age of an individual. Among the many works of Dubravka Ugrešić — Croatian author known mainly for antipolitical texts describing the search for identity in Post-Yugoslav emigration — Life is a fairy tale belongs to the group of texts exposing feminine topics, with particular focus on somaesthetical perspective where sex and age, next to race, class or region, are the criteria for social ladder of power participation.

Starica uprivlačnom bikini kostimu ili „strah od Babe Jage” uromanu Dubravke Ugrešić Život je bajka

Zasnovan na hermeneutičkoj analizi romana Dubravke Ugrešić tekst sadrži niz razmatranja na temu starosti, pogotovo ženskog oblika, tjelesne prolaznosti istarenja koje vode prema društvenom odbacivanju na marginu zajednice. Uslučaju ženske starosti riječ je oudvostručenojdiskri­minaciji iisključenosti zbog činjenice pripadnosti ženskome spolu te gubitka fizičke atraktivnosti. Imajući uvidu eng. pojam ageisma R. Butlera, pojavu moći M. Foucaulta te teorijsku podršku u feminističoj kritici S. de Beauvoir, H. Bradley, L. Irigaray, somaestetici M. Merleau-Ponty, R. Shusterman, utekstu pokušava se dokazati glavne odrednice uUgrešićkinom romanu kao što su: uloga patrijarhata utretiranju starih žena, namještanje društvenih uloga pojedincu, starost kao društveni tabu iprije svega — strah od starenja/odbacivanja, koji je spisateljica smjestila u fenomen lika Babe Jage.


Citation rules

Szperlik, E. (2017). Staruszka w skąpym bikini albo „strach przed Babą Jagą” w utworze Dubravki Ugrešić „Życie jest bajką”. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 163, 795–809.