
This page contains:

a) information on the journalistic policy in the field of publication ethics (p. 1);

b) statement form (p. I / 1 / e)


I. Journal policy in the field of publication ethics

The Editorial Committee conducts selection of submitted scientific texts in accordance with the principles of ghostwriting and guest authorship firewall and ethical standards recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Code of the National Science Centre on the reliability of research and funding for research) and COPE (COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors). Authors, Editors and Reviewers are obliged to comply with ethical principles at every stage of the publication of the text.


1. Rules for Authors and the text of a statement submitted by Authors

a) Principle of scientific reliability: Authors of articles are required to interpret test results reliably and objectively.

b). Principle of work originality: Authors may submit for publication only their own, original, texts. The use of research and / or words of other authors in the article should be marked in the footnote. Plagiarism or fabrication of data is unacceptable.

c) Principle of source reliability: Authors are obliged to indicate all publications that were used by them in creating the article. The cited studies should significantly connect with the analysed issue.


d) Ghostwriting and Guest authorship Firewalls

- The author is required to disclose information about the sources of financing of the publication, the contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure), especially when the text is the result of cooperation within the research project.

- The author is required to disclose information about all entities contributing to the publication of the scientific text (substantive contribution), giving their affiliation and contribution. The acknowledgments included in the footnote should mention all those who contributed to the final version of the article (linguistic consultation, literature indication, etc.).

- The author may not indicate the participation of the author, whose contribution to the creation of the article is insignificant or did not take place (guest authorship).

- legal consequences of dishonesty and scientific misconduct (plagiarism, ghostwriting, guest authorship, falsification of data, multiple publication, unauthorized citation) are borne by the author submitting the text for publication.

- along with the article, the Author sends a self-signed declaration that he has read the rules for Authors, the text has not been submitted in another journal and has not been published before; that the information about financing research by individuals, institutions or national and foreign organizations has not been omitted in the submitted text and that he is responsible for the scientific reliability of the submitted article.

e) Declaration form [download] and below


2. Rules applicable to the Editorial Office

a) The Editorial Committee at every stage of the publication of the text requires the Authors, Editors and Reviewers to conduct in accordance with ethical principles.

b) The race, sex, religion, origin, citizenship or political beliefs of the author shall not determine the way of proceeding with the texts.

c) The principle of confidentiality applies in all works of the Editorial Committee. No information about the articles submitted for publication shall be disclosed to unauthorized persons. The persons authorized to have this information are only: Authors themselves, selected Reviewers, eligible Editors and the Publisher.

d) Members of the Editorial Committee make every effort to maintain scientific reliability and high level of published works.

e) From 2024 all submissions are screened for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection software.

f) In case of suspicion of unreliability and scientific dishonesty, the Editorial Committee implements procedures in accordance with the Comittee on Publication Ethics (COPE) diagrams, which determine the algorithm for dealing with such cases. Diagrams can be found on the COPE website:

g) Any detected instances of misconduct and scientific dishonesty are ennounced by the Editorial Committee in the journal and by notifying relevant entities (institutions employing the author, scientific societies, editorial offices of other magazines).

h) If necessary, the Editorial Committee is ready to publish relevant corrections, clarifications or apologies.


3. Rules for Reviewers

Reviewers by expressing opinions about the reviewed texts have an impact on the decisions made by the Editors and on the final shape of the published articles.

a) Principle of punctuality

The reviewers are required to provide reviews within the time agreed with the Editors.

If for any reason the Reviewers are unable to meet the deadline, they should immediately inform the Editorial Committee.

b) Principle of confidentiality

All reviews are confidential. Disclosing their content to third parties is unacceptable (except for authorized persons).

c) Principle of maintaining objectivity standards

Reviews should be objective and substantive. Critical remarks should be properly argued.


The ethical principles in force in the journal have been based on:

  1. A brochure "Good practices in reviewing procedures in science" Warsaw 2011 issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

  1. Documents COPE BEST PRACTICE Guidelines for Journal Editors

  2. Standards developed by the Elsevier publishing house



Name and surname, degree / academic title ……………………………………………………………

Affiliation ……………………………………………………………………………………….........

Address for correspondence, telephone and e-mail ……………………………………….................


Title of the article ………………………………………………………………………………………

Title of the article in English ……………………………………………………………………..


If the author is more than one person, please determine the specificity of the contribution (responsibility for the specification lies with the author submitting the article for publication): …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


I declare that:

- I am the author / co-author * of the article submitted for publication and I am fully responsible for its content;

- the article has not been previously published and has not been submitted to the editors of other journals;

- I have read the principles of ethics applicable in the journal and the procedure to ensure the originality of the texts available on the journal's website ("FOR AUTHORS" tab);

- I bear full responsibility for the scientific reliability of the submitted article and I am aware of the consequences in the absence of it;

- the article does not omit information on the financing of research by individuals, institutions or national and foreign organizations;

- the article has been prepared in accordance with the editors' recommendation who have the right to make stylistic amendments and corrections of minor errors in the article without without consulting the author.


…………………………. ……………………………….

Place and date Readable signature of the Author / Co-author


* Please select appropriate alternative


Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0137-1150


Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
53-313 Wrocław
ul. Pocztowa 9


  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)