
Том 178 (2023)

Навчальний переклад і лінгводидактика

Страницы: 13-22

PDF (Українська)


Due to the increase of the importance of translation in the modern world, the profession of translator has gained some popularity — especially among those who study foreign languages. The article discusses the role of translation in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, where translation is suggested as the fifth language skill (following speaking, writing, etc). The possibilities for the development of translation competence together with the role of didactic translation in a Ukrainian class for foreign language learners have been analyzed herein. Moreover, the article presents some methodological recommendations for a variety of text types as well as a choice of useful translation exercises for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language.


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Baranivska, O. (2023). Навчальний переклад і лінгводидактика. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 178, 13–22. https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1150.178.2