Vol. 24 (2014)

Published: 08-04-2015

Volume 24 of the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia, edited by prof. Stanisław Prędota and dr. Jacek Karpinski (University of Wrocław) contains 10 original Dutch language articles by Polish and foreign linguists and one review. Cor van Bree discusses adpositions in Dutch; Siegfried Theissen studies the frequency of Dutch prepositions; Roland Willemyns and Wim Vandenbussche deal with the subject of diglossia, diaglossia and interlanguages in West Flanders; Jan Noordegraaf's article examines changes in colonial varieties of Dutch; Katarzyna Tryczyńska analyzes collocations in legal language; Stanisław Prędota discusses Dutch equivalents of Polish proverbs in W. S. Reymont's Chłopi (Peasants); Jacek Karpiński analyzes the names of Dutch and Polish airlines; Dieter Stellmacher deals with the problem of ‘Steenkolenduits’ and the difficulty of distinguishing between the language and its specific usage; C. Jac Conradie reflects on what has happened to mutative verbs in Afrikaans. The volume also includes a review by Stanislaw Prędota of the book by Ute K. Boonen and Ingeborg Hermes Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft - an introduction to Dutch linguistics.