The forthcoming 27th volume of the oldest Netherlandic academic journal in Poland, Neerlandica Wratislaviensia (ERIH Plus list) includes 12 articles presented at a colloquium of PhD students and postdocs representing the Dutch academic community in Central Europe. This colloquium took place at the Catholic University of Lublin in May 2016. The theme of the volume is very broad: the reader will find linguistic texts (Křížová, Loosen, Pekelder), publications focused on the methodology of learning the Dutch language (Czerwonka-Wajda, Kucfir, Manolova Maciel), as well as literary contributions (Engelbrechtová, Paluszek), which reveal to the reader the Dutch cultural heritage, traces of which are present throughout Europe. The volume also includes texts on the reception of works by Dutch authors important for the history of European literature (Engelbrecht, Lipnicki, Tóth) and reviews of recently published books written by Polish experts on Dutch culture and literature (Dynarowicz, Kozak). Reading the 27th volume of Neerlandica Wratislaviensia is a fascinating intellectual voyage of discovery into the language, literature and culture of the Low Countries.