Articles and materials

Vol. 53 (2009)

Krakowskie druki okolicznościowe z okazji zaślubin Zygmunta I z Boną Sforzą (18 kwietnia 1518). Przyczynek do bibliografii

Henryk Bułhak

Pages: 103 - 110

PDF (Język Polski)


Publications printed in Kraków on the occasion of the marriage between Sigismund I and Bona Sforza (18 April 1975). A contribution to bibliography

King Sigismund I’s marriage to Bona Sforza in 1518 was an opportunity to publish numerous occasional materials, printed in Kraków by Jan Haller and Hieronim Wietor. Authors who published various works to mark the occasion included Joachim Vadianus von Watt, Andrzej Krzycki, Rudolf Agricola and Dantyszek. Given the fact that copies of these publications have not survived and that old bibliographers held contradictory opinions about them, it is difficult to establish their number, authorship, chronology and relations between various editions. An analysis of various testimonies has allowed the author of the article to put forward a hypothesis that there were two different editions of Andrzej Krzycki’s Epithalamium.