
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • I have read the principles of ethics applicable in the journal and the procedure to ensure the originality of the texts available on the journal’s website.
  • I bear full responsibility for the scientific reliability of the submitted article and I am aware of the consequences in the absence of it.
  • The article does not omit information on the financing of research by individuals, institutions or national and foreign organizations.
  • The article has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the editors, who have the right to make stylistic amendments and corrections of minor errors in the article without without consulting the author.

Author Guidelines

From issue 174 onwards, the APA format should be used.

General information

1. The Editorial Committee accepts previously unpublished scholarly papers in the field of Slavonic studies (literature and language, culture). The publication is free. The Editorial Committee does not return non-commissioned submissions.

2. By submitting their articles to the journal’s Editorial Committee the Authors:
a) state that they hold the copyright rights to the articles, that the articles are free from any defects of title and that they have not been previously published elsewhere in their entirety or in part nor have they been submitted to any other journal;
b) grant their consent, free of charge, to have their articles published in “Slavica Wratislaviensia” and disseminated without any limitation as to the time and territory, including by marketing copies of the journal as well as making them available on the internet free of charge and in exchange for a fee;
c) grant free consent for placing the article in the online scientific journal database Czasopisma Naukowe w Sieci (CNS) and other databases that the Publisher cooperates with, together with the basic information about the article, including its abstract, keywords and personal data of the Author (name and surname, place of employment, e-mail address).

3. Texts of articles and reviews are accepted in Slavic languages and in English.

4. The volume of articles with footnotes, bibliography and abstract should not exceed 32,000 characters including spaces and 10,000 characters with spaces in the case of reviews.

5. Detailed instructions on how to prepare the text for publication see p. II.

6. The authors will be informed whether their articles have been accepted for publication in “Slavica Wratislaviensia” within 3 months via e-mails.

7. Articles are reviewed in confidential and anonymous manner (double-blind review). A list of reviewers is published every year on the journal's website ( in the "REVIEWERS" tab.

8. The Reviewers’ comments are sent to the Author who is obliged to consider the corrections suggested by the reviewers or to send an explanation if he or she decides not to take them into account. The Editorial Committee refuses to accept an article for publication in the case of two negative reviews.

9. The Publisher reserves the right to introduce editorial changes into submitted articles.

10. Authors are obliged to make corrections to their articles within 7 days of receiving the relevant comments. A failure to make the corrections within the deadline signifies that the author agrees to have his or her article published in the form submitted for proofreading.

11. Authors do not receive any fee for their articles.

12. The journal does not charge Authors any fees for publication.

13. After an article has been published, its author receives one printed copy of „Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis Slavica Wratislaviensia” free of charge. All articles made available by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego in PDF format can be found at

 II. Detailed instructions

  • Editorial guidelines

1. Word processor: Microsoft Word;

2. Page settings: all margins 2.5 cm for A4 page;

3. The main text and the text in the footnotes justified;

4. Title of the article (in upper and lower cases): 14 pt. Times New Roman, 1,5 line spacing;

5. Font in the main text: 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1,5 line spacing;

6. Font in the abstracts and the text of footnotes: 10 pt. Times New Roman, 1,0 line spacing;

7. Page numbers: in the lower right corner (Arabic numerals);

8. Footnotes, continuous numbering (Arabic numerals);

9. The use of italics: in referencing to titles of books, chapters, journals, articles, texts from Internet sites, films. Video recordings, TV programmes and words in foreign languages, e.g.: Казус Кукоцкого; Twórczość pisarek serbskich na początku XX wieku; femme fatale;

10. Titles of works not translated into the language of the given article - in the original language;

11. After the title of the work translated into the language of the given article, the original title and year of publication should be given in brackets, e.g. Case of doctor Kukocki (Казус Кукоцкого, 2001);

12. The names of the authors appearing in the main text for the first time should be included in the full version (the initials of the names should be used only in Annotated bibliography);

13. Citation:

a) for each citation, the source must be indicated;
b) quotations from literary works are quoted in the original language (this requirement applies to Slavic literatures), other quotations in the language of the article;
c) citations must be accurately quoted. The quoted text should contain the original spelling, even if it is incorrect. After the misspelled word, the word sic should be placed in square brackets: [sic!]
d) longer quotations (over three lines) are distinguished graphically: 10 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1, without quotation marks;
e) shorter quotations are included in the main text and marked with double quotation marks ("");
second degree quotes (a quote within a quote) shall be marked with double chevrons (»«);
f) all omissions in the quote should be marked with an ellipse enclosed in square brackets: […];
g) application of (...) means omitting a specific fragment by the quoted author;
h) all proprietary inclusions shall be given in square brackets and marked with the own author’s initials, for example: [own translation - A. B.].

  • Article structure

1. Front page;
2. Abstract in English;
3. Main part;
4. Annotated bibliography.

  • Front page

This page contains the title of the article, author's name and surname, affiliation, and a note about the author.

The title of the article must be clear and concise (up to 12 words). It should relate directly to the main topic of the work.

The first and last name of the author (without academic degrees and titles) should be written in capital letters.

Affiliation (name of the author's research unit) should be provided in Polish and English.

The note about the author should contain the name and surname of the author; ORCID number; affiliation (full name of the department, chair, institute and university, city, country); indication of the author's research interests; the titles of two of his most important (latest) publications; information about the source of research funding; contact details (e-mail address).


The abstract in English should contain the title of the article in English (written in upper and lower cases), the word Abstract under it, brief information about the content of the text (800-1000 characters), keywords (5). The abstract should be synthetic, coherent and summarize the content of the work. It should contain information about the purpose of the research, the methods used and the results of the research procedures performed. The abstract should be a single paragraph (it must not contain a paragraph indent).

The subsequent paragraph should contain  keywords (5) separated by commas, preceded by the annotation: Keywords.

The above guidelines also apply to  abstracts in Slavic languages.

  • Main part

The reasoning should be clear, precise and logical. It is advisable to divide the text into parts with subheadings.

The introduction should take into account the issue of the current state of research.

The elaboration should include the main thesis of the article, a discussion of the research method and the results of the analyses.

The summary should include the main conclusions.

APA style footnotes

The use of footnotes is allowed when:

  • contain additional information (this must be kept to a minimum);
  • contain copyright information.

Use of in-text notes::

Bibliographic notes should be placed inside the text of the article. The publications used are given in brackets, mentioning the author's name, year of publication and page number: (Nowak, 2012, pp. 33–34)

In the case of the publication of several authors, all surnames should be provided in a note:

(Kowalski, Nowak, 2005, p. 99)

When referring to two or more works in the same in-text note, arrange them in ascending order according to the year of publication:

(Kowalski, 2005, p. 33; Nowak, 2019, p. 55)

If several works by the same author(s) were published in the same year, insert letters a, b, c etc. after the year of publication (no spaces between the year and the letter):

(Nowak, Kowalski, 2005a, p. 7)

(Nowak, Kowalski, 2005b, p. 11)

Indirect citation

Indirect citation consists in citing a text to which the author did not have direct access, and which he knows only from another publication. Indirect citation should only be used when the original work is not available in a language known to the author. The Bibliography should contain the secondary source (the one used by the author), while the text of the article should include the name of the original work’s author, its title and date of publication, and a reference to the secondary source, preceded by the preposition "after" with a colon:

White claimed in the Title (1986, after: Nowak, 2000, pp. 80-85) that ...


Bibliographic addresses should be listed in alphabetical order, according to the first author's surname. In the case of collective works, the first word of the title decides about the place of publication in the bibliography (according to alphabetical order).

Individual items in bibliography shall not be numbered.

In the case of bibliographies in two alphabets (Latin and Cyrillic), individual items are placed separately for each alphabet (the order is determined by the language of the text).

For publications in the Cyrillic alphabet, a transliteration should be additionally prepared (see: wybierz: transkrypcja angielska BGN/PCGN).


Book of one author:

Eco, U. (2007). Podziemni bogowie. Wybór szkiców. Warszawa: Czytelnik.

Book of several authors:

Febbraro, F., Schwetje B. (2012). Historia świata w sztuce. Kraków: UNIVERSITAS.

Collective work written under the editorship of:

Konończuk, E., Sidoruk, E. (ed.). (2012). Od poetyki przestrzeni do geopoetyki. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.

Chapter in a collective work:

Rybicka, E. (2012). Literatura, geografia: wspólne terytoria. In: E. Konończuk, E. Sidoruk (ed.), Od poetyki przestrzeni do geopoetyki (pp. 11–25). Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.

Article in a journal:

Zemszał, P. (2020). Wizerunek Władimira Majakowskiego w sowieckiej propagandzie kulturalnej w latach 1953-1957. Przegląd Rusycystyczny, 3 (171), p. 142–156. DOI: 110.31261/pr.8296.

If the article does not have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, this element is omitted.

Electronic publication:

Bolecki, W. (2002). Modernizm w literaturze polskiej XX w. (Rekonesans). Downloaded from: (access: 21.10.2020).


Wajda, A. (1974). Ziemia obiecana [film]. Poland: Zespół Filmowy „X”.

Publication in the Cyrillic alphabet:

Эткинд, А. (1998). Хлыст. Секты, литература и революция. Москва: Новое литературное обозрение [Etkind, A. (1998). Khlyst. Sekty, literatura i revolyutsiya. Moskva: Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye].


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