Eastern Slavic Literature

Vol. 173 (2021)

Eksperymenty z pamięcią jako sposób oswojenia nowej kultury (na przykładzie książek Maksa Fraja “Сказки старого Вильнюса” [“Bajki starego Wilna”])

Pages: 127-135

pdf (Język Polski)


The article aims to consider the functionality of memory elements as a means of identifying characters who — at their own will — change their location of residence and find themselves in a different cultural environment. Max Frei’s appropriation of Vilnius is based on the experience of the “dreamer” character. His state is likened to that of Prince Gediminas’s, who saw the future city in his dream while he was sleeping. Max Frei completes the myth-dream of Vilnius with the mnemic processes of obscure recollecting, vague recognition. These have a relation to the subliminal wish of the characters to have Vilnius as their home. The semiotic approach to the analysis of memory elements in the aspect of identity allowed to reveal the connection of The Tales of Old Vilnius with Max Frei’s personal experience of emigration and to identify new elements in the creation of the author’s local identity.

Citation rules

Romanenkova М. . (2020). Eksperymenty z pamięcią jako sposób oswojenia nowej kultury (na przykładzie książek Maksa Fraja “Сказки старого Вильнюса” [“Bajki starego Wilna”]). Slavica Wratislaviensia, 173, 127–135. https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1150.173.9