
Vol. 174 (2021)

Subscribers’ lists as a source of knowledge about the construction of national mythology in Serbian romanticism

Pages: 19-34

PDF (Język Polski)


Subscribers’ lists found in the first editions of important Serbian works from the era of Romanticism provide valid information for literary and idea histories. One can easily imagine how influential the works were, both geographically and socially. In this paper we analyse the subscribers’ lists added to the following writings: Leipzig edition of folk songs published by Vuk Karadžić (1823/1824), Kralj Dečanski by Jovan Subotić, (1846), Ogledalo srbsko by Petar Petrović Njegoš, Lazarica by Joksim Nović Otočanin (1847) and Lažni car Šćepan Mali by Petar Petrović Njegoš (1851). In the lists covering thousands of names in total we can find many luminaries of European Slavistics, with those of Serbian origin — living both in Serbia and beyond its boundaries — outnumbering the rest. The fact results in the writings having an impact mainly on the Serbian public. The folk songs by Vuk became a core of Romantic literature as far as the content and literary form are concerned. Montenegro epic songs selected by Njegoš strengthened the country’s image as a bastion of freedom. Poems by Subotić and Nović Otočanin referred to history: the former described the glory of the Nemanjić dynasty, the latter — the event connected with the defeat on Kosovo Polje. They were a fundament of national myths, the state’s past power and latter tragic collapse. The drama by Njegoš further spread the author’s fame as a leader and eulogist of a free Montenegro. The subscribers’ social cross-section is impressive. What is especially striking is the great number of craftsmen, teachers, students, and pupils for whom the books provided knowledge and formed their patriotic attitude. 

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Jakóbiec-Semkowa, M. (2021). Subscribers’ lists as a source of knowledge about the construction of national mythology in Serbian romanticism. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 174, 19–34.