
Vol. 175 (2022)

On the ways of creating mycological terms in the Ukrainian language (based on the example of “Словник-довідник з альгології та мікології” by Zvenyslava Kalinets-Mamchur)

Przemysław Jóźwikiewicz

Pages: 99-115

PDF (Język Polski)


The aim of the article was to analyse Ukrainian mycological terms based on Zvenyslava Kalinets-Mamchur’s Словник-довідник з альгології та мікології. The author reviews their structure, discusses the derivation processes, and examines the role of borrowings in their formation. The article shows that terminological clusters represent a substantial group among the 956 terminological units. Almost half of them are structures with elements directly derived from the area of mycological terminology (e.g., аскогеннні гіфи, поліфільна слань, вегетативні гіфи, корові лишайники). Few terms result from word-forming derivation, mainly because borrowing foreign elements turned out to be an important way of supplementing mycological resources. Moreover, neosemantisms and names resulting from conversion have a marginal share in the creation of mycological terms.

Citation rules

Jóźwikiewicz, P. (2022). On the ways of creating mycological terms in the Ukrainian language (based on the example of “Словник-довідник з альгології та мікології” by Zvenyslava Kalinets-Mamchur). Slavica Wratislaviensia, 175, 99–115.