
Vol. 154 (2011)

Русская и польская эмоционально-оценочная фразеология опыт прагмалингвистического исследования

Dorota Т. Schmidt

Pages: 173 - 182

PDF (Język Polski)


Russian and Polish emotional evaluative phraseology attempt at pragmalinguistic investigation

The present work investigates the pragmatic aspect of meaning based on Russian and Polish phraseology with positive and negative emotional evaluation. Such kind of investigation helps to resolve various problems with lexicographical marks and create a new improved system of expressive marks. The authors think that the emotional evaluation can be defined with quite objective characteristics. The new type of classification is offered based on GLT lexical-thematic groups.


Citation rules

Schmidt D. Т., & Zaynuldinov, A. (2011). Русская и польская эмоционально-оценочная фразеология опыт прагмалингвистического исследования. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 154, 173–182. Retrieved from