
Vol. 150 (2009)

Названия птиц в системе народных названий растений в восточнославянских и польском языках

Mirosława Małocha

Pages: 149 - 156

PDF (Język Polski)


Ornithological names in the system of folk botanical nomenclature of Eastern Slavs and Poles

In the process of folk naming for plants motivated by ornithological names birds names, the most important role play: appearances of a bird, resemblance to birds eye, resemblance to body parts crow’s feet, bill/beak, tongue, crest etc., connection with predators presenting the underworld to determine plants and mushrooms, usage of plants usefulness or uselessness for household.

Citation rules

Małocha, M. (2009). Названия птиц в системе народных названий растений в восточнославянских и польском языках. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 150, 149–156. Retrieved from