
Vol. 159 (2014)

Wyraz — zdanie — tekst: problem punktu widzenia w  perspektywie translatorycznej (na materiale języka rosyjskiego i  polskiego)

Alicja Pstyga

Pages: 347 - 355

PDF (Język Polski)


Word — sentence — text. The problem of the point of view in Russian-Polish translation

An analysis of the relation between the original text and its translation involves investigating the category of the point of view. Basing on Russian press texts and their Polish translations, the author discusses intercultural aspects of translation which — especially in the case of press texts — require an analysis of numerous factors. As some researchers claim, each text reflects a specific point of view whose exponents are found in its different elements. The point of view is a complex category. Recreating text reality, the translator frequently takes his/her own point of view, which modifies the original point of view.

Citation rules

Pstyga, A. (2015). Wyraz — zdanie — tekst: problem punktu widzenia w  perspektywie translatorycznej (na materiale języka rosyjskiego i  polskiego). Slavica Wratislaviensia, 159, 347–355. Retrieved from