
Том 154 (2011)

Литературная классика и белорусский контекст: аспекты взаи- модействий

Galina Y. Adamovich

Страницы: 7 - 19

PDF (Język Polski)


Classics of literature and the Belarusian context: Aspects of interaction

The three key aspects are highlighted within the comparative studies of Belarusian literature. The Belarusian Belarusian — international, literature — artistic context is considered as a phenomenon of interliterature connections and interaction. For example, in a poetic heritage of Maxim Tank there are different kinds of reception. The Belarusian context is a system unity in the sphere of interdisciplinary study. The multiple levels of Maxim Tank’s artistic world have been defined basing on the interdisciplinary study and illustrated on the example of the system of artistic images and relationship between them: the Universe — the Earth — the humanity — the nation — the Motherland — the society — “the other” — “I”. The Belarusian context is also a unit of convergence of the artistic and scientific types of cognition. The motif of spiritualizing is viewed as an element of integrity between the interdisciplinary connection system and interaction.


Citation rules

Adamovich , G. Y. . (2011). Литературная классика и белорусский контекст: аспекты взаи- модействий. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 154, 7–19. извлечено от https://wuwr.pl/swr/article/view/3916