
Том 153 (2011)

Божанска Уметност Телесног

Sawa Damjanow

Страницы: 137 - 143

PDF (Język Polski)


Divine art of the body


The vision of the body as an art object and the subject of novels, was expressed by Marquis de Sade in the unique unity of Eros and Pornos, which had not been not known in literature until then regardless of Marquis’ literary precursors. Almost simultaneously, the Serbian folklore erotography began to shape a grotesque, almost Rabelaisian vision of the body that on the other hand touched on some of de Sade’s premises hyperbolization of sexuality, the body as a meeting place of pain and pleasure, etc. Finally, in the postmodern age — whose syncretism and eclecticism are most clearly expressed in the movie — Peter Greenaway in his masterpiece, The Pillow Book combines a concept conceived by de Sade, with a tradition of erotic folklore characterized by geopoetics universalism and experiences of body art and performance, promoting the idea of the Divine Art of Corporeality, which also writes and reads the body itself. Three artistic phenomena which represent the work deal with the way the cultural reading of the body crossed from the Enlightenment, through revival of the traditional paradigm romanticism to postmodernism.



Citation rules

Damjanow, S. (2011). Божанска Уметност Телесног. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 153, 137–143. извлечено от https://wuwr.pl/swr/article/view/3945