
Том 153 (2011)

Телесните жестове и техният контекст в съвременната българска лирика

Ilja Paczew

Страницы: 223 - 229

PDF (Język Polski)


Contexts of bodily gestures in the contemporary Bulgarian lyric poetry


Bulgarian Literature in its development does not avoid issues of the body. This work is devoted only one aspect, taking into account the participation of bodily gestures in the poetics of lyrical pieces. For this purpose various gestures are quoted and analysed in different thematic areas, allowing to include social-cultural transformations and the transformation of the literary paradigm. The linguistic expression of the corporeality in poems by authors recognised as famous representatives of the Bulgarian lyric poetry facilitates the dialogue with contemporary reality.



Citation rules

Paczew, I. (2011). Телесните жестове и техният контекст в съвременната българска лирика . Slavica Wratislaviensia, 153, 223–229. извлечено от https://wuwr.pl/swr/article/view/3954