
Том 153 (2011)

Идеал женской красоты в Оде красавице Федора Дмитриева-Мамонова

Anna Warda

Страницы: 233 - 239

PDF (Język Polski)


The ideal of female beauty in Ode to the Beauty by F.I. Dmitriev-Mamonov


The article discusses the ideal of female beauty presented in Ode to the Beauty by F.I. Dmitriev-Mamonov. The object of the panegiric praise is a beautiful woman, which had not been the case earlier. The addressee of the ode is praised for the qualities of her body which is described in detail. Preserving the convention typical of the panegiric ode, the author creates the image of his addressee, while employing mythologisms, sacralization and idealisation. The description also clearly indicates the influences of the physiognomical theory of J.K. Lavater and of tendencies dominating in the Russian painting in the second part of the 18th century.



Citation rules

Warda, A. (2011). Идеал женской красоты в Оде красавице Федора Дмитриева-Мамонова. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 153, 233–239. извлечено от https://wuwr.pl/swr/article/view/3955