
Том 155 (2012)

Сон в українській бароковій літературі

Страницы: 101 - 111

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Dream in the Ukrainian Baroque literature

In the paper of Valentyna Sobol Dream in the Ukrainian Baroque literature the earliest manifestations of conscious convergence of realistic poetry and dreams are shown based on examples of analysis of the old authorship. Such manifestations became real mastery in the works of T. Shevchenko, but go back in their origins much further. The author draws the perspectives  Voskreseniye mertvykh by G. Konyski, tragicomedy Vladimir by F. Prokopovych, in Intermediya pro Maksyma, Rytska i Denysa, in poof analysis of poetics of dream in the Baroque drama emstravesties e.g. Velykodnyi Son, in the legend, written by Petro Mohyla Pro pustelnyka. The main accent is put on the unique work of Klymentiy Zinoviyev Knyha narodnyh remesel, zvychayiv ta pobutu v Ukrajini, pysana Klymentiyem Zinoviyevym, poetom kintsia XVII–pochatku XVIII st. This fundamental collection was published for the first time in modern Ukrainian in 2009, translated by Oleksandr Shugay. In the paper the Prypovisti pospolyti by K. Zinoviyev are analyzed, which were not studied elsewhere.

Citation rules

Sobol, W. (2012). Сон в українській бароковій літературі. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 155, 101–111. извлечено от https://wuwr.pl/swr/article/view/4081