
Том 161 (2015)

Przeszłość odkrywana zmysłami. Reminiscencje zapachów i smaków w autobiograficznej prozie obszaru postjugosłowiańskiego

Страницы: 377 - 388

PDF (Język Polski)


Past discovered through senses. Reminiscences of scents and tastes in autobiographical prose of post-Yugoslavian area

The senses of scent and taste are the most primeval and infallible aspects of human nature and perception of the world. They are unerring in animals, sharpened in newborns and in people with tactile or visual impairments which may cause their senses to fail. The topic of the paper is olfactory and gustatory sensuality present in the autobiographical prose of contemporary writers of post-Yugoslavian area. As time goes by, the images of the past blur, losing their clarity or they are displaced from consciousness as aresult of traumatic experiences. The scent or taste stored in human brain define the individual identity/perspective of the narrator and subjective image of reality based on the memories. Recognizing scents and tastes seems to be the most reliable guide through the recesses of human memory. The autobiographical discourse uses the phenomenon as one of the more significant in modern literature. Recalling places, people, certain events and situations through scent or taste associations in literature the brain memory seems avery original and difficult way of presenting the world of senses in aliterary text referring to widely understood visuality and synesthesia in literary description.



Prošlost razotkrivana čulima. Reminiscencije mirisa iokusa uautobiografskoj prozi bivše Jugoslavije

Tekst sadrži analizu odabranih djela pisaca sa područja književnosti bivše Jugoslavije, kao što su: Danila Kiša Bašta, pepeo, Miljenka Jergovića Mama Leone, Otac i Bogdana Mesingera Skriveni duh Iloka. Tako izdvojeni naslovi postali su primjer autobiografskog diskursa ukojemu dominira prisjećanje prošlosti kroz obilje mirisno-okusnih asocijacija vezanih uz različite dogaᵭaje, ljude, mjesta isl. Razotkrivanje prošlosti uz pomoć osjetila njuha imirisa posebno uautobiografskoj prozi čini se još uvijek nedovoljno ispitanim zahvatom usuvremenoj književnosti. Kao glavnu metodološku osnovu uovim razmatranjima valja spomenuti pristup autobiografizmu prema Ph. Lejeun’u te pojavu sinestezije. Prošlost crtana pomoću mirisa iokusa čini se najsubjektivnijim inajmanje varljivim odrazom identiteta koji definira glavni lik/pripovjedač dozivajući upamet sjećanja na svoje djetinjstvo, odrastanje, prošlost svoje obitelji, grada, zavičaja isl., da na taj način redefinira vlastito postojanje.

Citation rules

Szperlik, E. (2015). Przeszłość odkrywana zmysłami. Reminiscencje zapachów i smaków w autobiograficznej prozie obszaru postjugosłowiańskiego. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 161, 377–388. извлечено от https://wuwr.pl/swr/article/view/4289