
Том 162 (2016)

Bułgarzy „dotykają” historii — rola przeszłości historycznej w bułgarskim odrodzeniu narodowym

Wojciech Jóźwiak

Страницы: 39 - 48

PDF (Język Polski)


Bulgarians “are touching” their history — the role of historical past in the Bulgarian national revival
The nineteenth-century national revival in Bulgaria can be described, above all, as aperiod of building national identity and ethnic community ties. The origin of such aprocess was the fact that Bulgarians decided to turn to their long forgotten past. The process of discovery, learning and becoming aware by “touching” using all the senses symbolically began with the Paisij Chilendarski’s text. It became the key element of along list of Bulgarian literary and journalistic works that were ingrained in the ideology of rebirth and revival and laid strong foundations for the first Bulgarian historical novel by Lyuben Karavelov, published between 1873 and 1874.

Bugari „dodiruju” istoriju — uloga istorijske prošlosti u bugarskom nacionalnom preporodu
Devetnaestovekovni nacionalni preporod je pre svega period građenja bugarskog nacionalnog identiteta iosećaja etničkog zajedništva. Osnova tog procesa bilo je okretanje ka, sasvim zaboravljenoj, istorijskoj prošlosti, čije je otkrivanje, upoznavanje, „dodirivanje” svim čulima, simbolički započeto tekstom Pajsija Hilandarskog, postalo ključni element niza bugarskih književnih ipublicističkih tekstova kao dela preporodne ideologije, akao rezultat toga Luben Karavelov godine 1873–1874 objavljuje prvi bugarski istorijski roman.


Citation rules

Jóźwiak, W. (2016). Bułgarzy „dotykają” historii — rola przeszłości historycznej w bułgarskim odrodzeniu narodowym. Slavica Wratislaviensia, 162, 39–48. https://doi.org/10.19195/0137-1150.162.3