Vol. 25 (2015)

Published: 10-03-2016

Volume 25 of the journal Neerlandica Wratislaviensia is an exceptional volume because it contains texts mainly in Polish. This was motivated by the desire to reach readers interested in the issues of Belgium and the Netherlands, but who are not fluent in Dutch. The publication is divided into two parts. In the first part, there are texts dealing with the phenomenon of Polish emigration to the Netherlands, analyzing different migration experiences of Poles and focusing, among other things, on the phenomenon of homelessness or the specificity of women's migration. The articles in the second part deal with topics of a strictly historical nature, relating to the course of hostilities in Belgium, as well as topics related to the imaging of the years 1914-1918 in fictional works, memoirs, newspaper articles and graphic material. The authors include not only established Dutch scholars this time, but also master's students, doctoral students or the newly graduated in Dutch philology, as well as people from outside the Dutch-language circuit.
