Vol. 39 (2022)

Published: 06-05-2022

The articles published in issue 39 of the Student Journal of Law, Administration and Economics cover important issues of the practice of applying and enforcing the law. Among them, there is an article devoted to the analysis of the position of the judicature in the field of limitation of claims under “Swiss franc” loan agreements and the time limit for bringing an action. There are also papers on the law of evidence. The authors discuss the issues of evidence proceedings in cases of VAT fraud and the significance of recorded testimonies of witnesses, evidence contra legem in criminal proceedings in the light of Art. 168a of the Code of Criminal Procedure and evidence from the testimony of a witness in writing in the light of Art. 2711 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Internet companies have become particularly debatable over the last several months. The study on the internet limited liability company in organization drew attention to the risk to the security of legal transactions and postulates the introduction of significant legislative changes that would reduce such risk. This issue of the Student Journal of Law, Administration and Economics traditionally covers economic issues. These issues include, inter alia, an article on microtargeting as a form of marketing communication, which indicated the importance of this tool for the development of personalized advertising.
