Editorial Committee



Thematic Editor (Literature)

Thematic Editor (Linquistics)

Statistical Editor

Editorial Secretary

Editorial Staff:

Language Editors:

* Cooperation suspended (RESOLUTION NO. 9/2022 OF THE SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WROCŁAW of 28 February 2022 declaring solidarity with Ukraine and condemning Russian aggression, Announcement of the Publishing House of the University of Wrocław of March 11, 2022.)

Functions and competences


  1. Cooperation with the Publisher and members of the Editorial Board.
  2. Appointing the Scientific Editor of the next issue and supervising his/her work.
  3. Care for compliance with the ethical standards and the scientific rank of the journal.
  4. Cooperation with the Editorial Secretary and the Statistical Editor on issues regarding journal evaluation in national and international databases and matters related to PBN.

Scientific Editor of the Issue

1. In cooperation with the members of the Editorial Committee and other scientists invited to cooperate, prepares the journal issue for publication:

a) Analyses the received texts in terms of initial requirements.
b) In consultation with the Thematic Editors contacts potential Reviewers;
c) Conducts a reviewing procedure in accordance with the journal rules.
d) Conducts ongoing correspondence with Reviewers and Authors.
e) If necessary, consults the Language and Thematic Editors on substantive and linguistic matters.
f) Submits a set of texts prepared for publication to the Publishing House.
g) Receives texts after editorial elaboration and sends them to the Author to proofread.
h) Checks the final version of texts and submits them to the Publisher.
i) Qualifies for printing reviews and reports.

2. He gives the Editor-in-Chief a set of data for evaluation purposes (authors’ details, statistics, abstracts, bibliographies).

3. Sends copies of the journal to the Authors.


Thematic Editor

  1. Consults with the Scientific Editor the appointment of reviewers.
  2. Cooperates with the Scientific Editor in substantive matters.

Editorial Secretary

  1. Archives materials and backup copies of texts.
  2. Provides potential authors with current information about the journal.
  3. Conducts correspondence on current issues of the journal.
  4. In cooperation with the Editor-in-Chief, submits the journal numbers for evaluation in national and international databases.

Language Editor

Cooperates with the Scientific Editor of the issue in the field of language consultations and adjusts the texts in terms of linguistic correctness.


Statistical Editor

  1. Introduces data to scientific databases with which Slavica cooperates.
  2. Monitors information about Slavica in tools calculating influence and citations and provides data on this subject to the Editor-in-Chief and to the Editorial Committee.

Wrocław University Press

  1. Conducts publishing activities related to printing „Slavica Wratislaviensia” journal.
  2. Deals with typesetting and edition.
  3. Provides texts for author's correction, introduces submitted corrections.
  4. Publishes the journal in its reference version (paper).
  5. Provides electronic versions of articles (Open Access) on the website.
  6. Manages the website of the journal, updates its content in cooperation with the Editor-in-Chief.
  7. Distributes the magazine, sends out mandatory copies.
  8. Submits a journal for indexation in scientific databases.
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0137-1150


Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
53-313 Wrocław
ul. Pocztowa 9


  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)